How often do you meet?

We get together on the second Tuesday of every month. There is no cost to join or attend meetings. Just bring your curiosity and desire to make the community better.

Where do you meet?

We meet monthly at various locations around Ottawa. We try to alternate between downtown and the West end.

How will I know when the next meeting will be?

Join the Agile Ottawa Meetup Group to get regular updates and register for events.

How can my company host a meetup?

Contact us to set something up.

How can my company become a sponsor?

Contact us for further information.

How can I become a guest speaker?

Join our meetup group and take a look at the past event topics. Send us a brief proposal letting us know who you are, where your work, what you would like to talk about?

I don’t want to speak but would like to suggest a topic?

We are here to support the community so if you have a particular challenge at work and are looking for insights do connect with us and share the details.

Do you have an annual conference?

Yes we do, it’s called Gatineau Ottawa Agile Tour (GOAT). Our next conference will be on Nov. 21st 2016